First and foremost,
I would like to say thanks to ALLAH al-mighty for his mercy and bless for giving me good health to work,to stand up speak up,and fight for the right.The right as a Y-GEN of MALAYSIA.Everyone knows that our country is facing a political turbulance as the result of General Election.Whatever it is,the new government aged of hundred days is already established.Currently,It seems that everyone is worried of the shooting price of gasoline.I want to advice my fellow friends not to put the blame on the government.This is due to increase of petrol price in the global market.We can't do anything because we aren't the price taker.All we can do is to make use the energy resources as optimise as possible.Yesterday,the TOK GURU has made a suggestion to replace our currency system to dinar system.Look,if we translate the words dinar into english,it means currency.It is a good suggestion,but if we go back to the history of paper money dated in 17th century,mankind created paper notes to replace the carrying of gold bar.The GOLDSMITH back then in England started to use paper notes to improve the security since a lot of the gold bar owner had been robbed.The question is,how effective is the dinar system?It will required a lot of time to make this change.Secondly,as we are moving forward,we want things are simplified and effective results.Somehow,we have to see things as a whole.not for personal interest.Talking about the jobless issue,we have to face the challenge of the millenium.If we don't have job,why not we create our own job.Never stop thinking on how to sort our problem.We will find way.Last but not least,I would like to remind myself that All the good deeds from Allah s.w.t and bad deeds from our own weakness.
ehem ehem safea...*wink* *wink*
i think your article has a very unique message.however, im still mad at whoever it is that made me fork out more for petrol!argh!sorry hehe
agree with u mukhzani :)
blaming government take us nowhere.
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