I wonder if any of you have watch this movie.It is a movie about a youngman who is depressed with his work,non-performing attitutude,being dumped by his girlfriend.He met his collegemate and managed to find solution for himself,NZ48-an antipsycotic drugs that stimulate mankind mental arithmetics.(The drugs is banned due to law).He gained himself from ultimately depressed young man writer to successful senator candidate.I may not film critique but I just want to share a moral lesson from the film.Never GIVE UP.We live in modern era whereas everybody could communicate effectively using the modern gadget such as iPhone,BB and So on.We have seen people has evolvely change.The world is moving revolutely faster.But we stil have 24 hours a day,12 months and 365 days a year.The volume of time never changed.It all about how we manage our time.How we plan our task better.Some people said future is hope.For me,future is today and it is an option.Some people said well you are lucky man growing up in silver spoon.For the are some one who growing up in Platinum spoon.Life is all about being ourself.For the past 1 year and 4 months,I have not involving in much business activity since I want to lerned deeply about humankind.Fortunately I found and met many helping people who help me to bring out my true potential.A good thing I learned"do not expect to find heaven if you do not know who you are.Knowing who you are is more important than any university degree that we have.Welcome back ! Mr.Mohd Mukhzani Abdul Manaf
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