Dear friends,
Thanks for viewing my blog.The purpose of writing blog is to share my experience with the blogger community.Beside that,the blog is very practical way of communication especially to be in touch with friends from all over the world.Herewith I will share some nice and valuable life experience for those who wants to appreciate it.Nowadays,it is the age of interdependence.We need each other.Competition is good to produce a better quality of products and services.However,for me I appreciate friendships more than competition.Most probably you have read my profile.I am Mukhzani Hj Manaf of Malaysia.I am a full time MBA student and MD of Metro Intergroup Private Limited Company.It's sound goods.In reality,it is a new company.I am working hard to identify which pathway the company should go.In the university,I learn on theoritical and in reality I am making one.Knowing myself,I am a kind of steady-grow person.Through experience,I learn step by step.Let me share some points with you.When I was an engineering student in England,I was not a top student in my class.I often got average marks.The reason why,because I have been observing how the businessman thinks.What they do and how they make the desicion.How they make new contacts.It was in England.The culture is different.In Euroupean Countries,the business practise is different.Over there,people believes in if you good,you are good.If you have money,you can buy the old castle and drive Bentley.The Europeans are very independent.They are daring to dump a lot of money to Research and Development without expecting successful return.In fact,their quids could buy a lot of good and quality things.They are inventors.Due to highly labour cost,they tend to find alternative ways of solutions as problem arise.In business code of practise,most of them respects the business law.As example,I was an e-Bay user while I was a student in Newcastle upon Tyne.Every time I bought goods online,they manage to sent to my door on time.Their shipping infrastructure is very efficient.Good things about British is they mind their own business.As problem arise,they are looking forward to solve the problem instead of blaming each others.As I listen through my eyes,they value time.They have a good entreprenuership spirit.When I did my final year project,my supervisor was Mr Phil M Hackney.He is a great geordie man for me.He contributes a lot of RnD in Manufacturing Industries especially SME in Northeast of England.Well that is the European Culture.Now I am in Malaysia.Malaysia is located in South East Asia.We are part of ASEAN countries.Let me explain in briefly about my country.We have got independence from British back then in 1957.This year we celebrated 50th anniversary of independence.We are part of Commonwealth county.We are part of NAM countries.As compared to other ex-colonial countries,we have move forward.For me,I give the credit to the past and present political leaders because the manage to create the sustainable political stability.We have 3 major races,Malays,Chinese and Indian plus others.Back in 80's,we were a agro-based nation.We were nothings.That time,there was an ambitious young doctor named Dr Mahathir Mohamed.In 21 years,he spinned Malaysia to one of the most fastest developing nation in the world.In just 20 years,he managed to build up the tallest twin tower in the world.Making Petronas as a global company.A credit should goes to him.For me he is a great leader.Some people says the way he think was how to make RM 10 using RM 1.He is an absolutely professional risk taker.In the millenium age,the business culture has change.The rapid development in ICT makes people get in touch faster.It benefits people all over the world.Information spreads faster.This is very good indeed.Without the ICT,I would never share my words with the bloggers from all over the world.Lets back to business culture in Malaysia.Since independence,Malaysia has grown to a prosperous nation.With our political stability,we are moving forward to achieve our Vision 2020.In a month time we will hit 2008.We have another 12 years to achieve the mission.I believe that the vision could happen as long as every part of society participate in developing our beloved nation.The business culture in Malaysia is influenced by Asian Culture.In Asia,business is dominated by Arabian,Chinese and Indian culture plus Western business style.Since Cultural is a very wide and sensitive issue,I would emphasise the important issue.To make sure the sustainable political stability in this country,back in 1970's the 2nd Malaysian Leader,The Late Tun Razak introduced NEP(New Economic Plan) to boost up the race that was slightly backward during that time.Now in 2007,as I attended an entreprenuership seminar in SME Bank early this year,the statistics makes me unhappy.In Malaysian business,we manage to win just 18% of the market.To makes myself clearer on the particular issue,I have done my own investigation on the particular matters.I read the books written by Dr Mahathir in 1960's.It was a consterversial book then.The Malay Dillema.As far as I understand,the book is good for those who understand what he was trying to say.When I decided to start up my company,I faced so many difficulties.Some people says that I was crazy because I left a prestigous engineering job as a junior mechanical engineer.Somepeople says that you are nobody.How to win the business deal.Some people said you have no experience.Some of friends ignored me.My long time ex-girlfriend(that I was thinking to marry her) left me all alone when I told her that I am going to set up my own company.I remember she said"What is the proposal that u could make my life secure?"But then again,I am glad because there are some good friends who give me the absolute moral support.At first I was afraid that I am going to fail.But from failure and success makes what we are today.When I read the book written by Dr Mahathir,then later I understand and to be understood.I get back to basic of life.Fortunately my teenagers days in England helps me a lot to deal with unnecessary thinkings.Well it just a piece of cake anyway.Now I believe that to be a successful in life,the first rule is to be positive.From a positive attitude,we will be more creative.From a positive attitude we learn to be more innovative.High degree of understanding and tolorence is important.Don't kick someone if u wouldn't want to be kicked.Respect the law.Take the calculated risk.Don't be too ambitious.And the most important things is to be more private and confidential.In life we need to be balance.In engineering,its says we need to balance the rigid body.And now,knowing myself,to achieve,we need goals.But make sure we have an achievable goals.Make sure we think on our foot.Make sure we don't hurt people.Till this day,I learn a new way of marketing.Islamic way of marketing our products.For me,as a Muslim Businessman,whatever we do is ibadah.That is important words to bear till we leave this world.Good IBADAH will automatically creating a good business.For Malaysian who understand Malaysian Language,I would suggest a book written by Dato Dr.Rusly.Jutawan Senyap.Interprated in English means The Silent Millionaire.It could give a brief scope and responsible of a Muslim Businessman.For me,there are good points that I could ponder.And for me,I am abide by this law of nature.I will hire those who I trust.How we are going to do business without trust.Avoiding and preventing from conflict is better than cure.This is the basic law of nature.Finally,I would like to say many thanks to the man who create the blog.Hopefully I am going to make use of the technology of ICT for speeding up the development of my company.As now,we have to 2 people on grounds.Me as the MD(in reality I am the Chief Exec and I am the Office Boy) and my brother.We are planning and preparing to be a Glocal Brand one day!